How to Construct Limber Teams and Guns

ACW 28 Union Limber, Team and Guns
ACW 28 Union Limber, Team and Guns

Pack contents

12 horses (6 with riders), 8 wheels, 6 gun barrels, 4 Limber crewmen, 2 limbers and 2 gun carriages plus 7 bases


ACW 29 Confederate Limber, Team and Guns Pack contents


First things first...

Ensure the work surface is protected, and there is adequate ventilation

Using a sharp craft knife or similar, score and cut one of the bases in half, and from another a strip, about 1/3 of it's width. Take care when using the knife.

constructing your limber
Using a small amount of superglue, affix the bases as shown below.

constructing your limber

Assemble the wheels to the limber carriage with a spot of adhesive. Select one of the unused gun barrels, cut the barrel to produce the limber support...

constructing acw limber

acw limber construction

After the carriages are individually assembled and painted...


Place the horses such that they fit onto the front base, when happy with their position apply a small amount of adhesive to each of the figures and affix.

acw limber construction


Adding the Limber to the horse team

Position the limber carriage such that it is aligned and very close to the horse team, then place the gun carriage behind this, a spot of adhesive applied to secure them will be required.

acw limberacw limber
Basing your painted models

Using basing material cover the base, I use a mixture of silver sand and dark wood filler!

acw limber

Flocking the base

Apply PVA glue and flock Noch 50210, Spring Meadow is used here)

acw limber

ACW 29 (Confederate Limber, Team and Guns)