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In response to questions we have received over the years, we have put together some guides that you may find helpful......

Hexon Boards and Terrain Features

  • How any boards do I need for my table? 


We have often been asked how many boxes are required for a particular table size. The actual number of boards used for a particular layout does vary depending on the board orientation.
Generally speaking, a table of approximately;

3ft x 4ft requires 1 Box of Hexon (21 Boards)
6ft x 4ft requires 2 Boxes of Hexon (40 or 42 Boards depending on orientation). Actual measurement of assembled boards:

4ft x 8ft requires 2 Boxes of Hexon plus 13 boards. (55 Boards) Actual measurement of assembled boards: 
6ft x 6ft requires 2 Boxes of Hexon plus 14 Boards (56 Boards)
5ft x 10ft 
requires 4 Boxes of Hexon plus 6 boards (90 boards) . Actual measurement of assembled boards: 
6ft x 12ft requires 6
 Boxes of Hexon (126 Boards)

Board Games to Wargames - Command and Colors, Memoir '44 and other board games

We have 
designed a range of free downloadable Hexon Grid Paper to help you plan your battlefield layout. 


To download our free Hexon Grid Paper for various sized layouts visit the Hexon Grid Page Here


  • How do I flock my Brown Hexon boards?

    From >   to this >  or this > 

    We have prepared a quick guide to show you how to flock our Hexon terrain boards:  Hexon Board Flocking Guide
  • How do I assemble my Hexon Boards? 
    Hexon terrain boards are quick and easy to assemble. This quick video guide shows you how to create a 4ft x 6ft gaming area from 2 box of Hexon.
    [The boxes measure 12" x 10" x 10" , that's just (300 x 254 x 254) mm.]

... and after the battle has been fought, and the armies retire, the Hexon II boards can be stacked neatly on top of each other, and stored back in their box!


  • Flocking Plastic Terrain Features Click Here
  • Modelling Terrain Features Click Here
  • How to Stop Figures Sliding down slopes? Simply apply our Anti-slip base backing - and here's how to do it! Backing Guide



Miniature Guides

  • Painting a Hordes & Heroes Army Click Here
  • How to Base your Miniatures Click Here
  • Put a Stop to Figures Sliding Down Slopes...Apply Antislip Base Backing Guide

Resin Feature Guide

  • How to prepare and paint your resin features Click Here